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Digital Producing

The story above was co-written with another member of the Community Outreach Team. We created a week long lesson plan for 5th graders at a local elementary school to teach them how to make a newspaper during an after-school program. This was so fun to see the excited spirit of these kids and kind of renew my own love for journalism. After we completed the class we wrote this article to share with others in the community, and to invite other teachers and parents to have us come into their student's classroom. 

Columbia Missourian

During my time at the Columbia Missourian, I was a member of the Community Outreach Team. Community Outreach is everything from a strong presence on social media to going out into the community and making personable contacts. This role has allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and dive deeper into the community values as a journalist. 

KOMU 8 TV - NBC Affiliate 

The story above was put together as a compilation of tweets after former UM System President Tim Wolfe sent a letter to curators reflecting on the events that led up to his resignation in November 2015. This was my first experience using Storify to bring together social posts from our readers. I really enjoyed using this platform and felt it was very beneficial in order to make the audience apart of the story. 

While at KOMU 8 I managed the social media accounts, as well as write articles for the website. These articles were often breaking news, but some stories gave me the opportunity to reach out to sources and tell their story. 

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